Today In the World of Sims Stories 12.8.11

December 8, 2011 at 4:03 pm (Uncategorized)

Memoirs of a City Girl

Lyn’s story currently centers around her blossoming relationship with Brad, who may or may not be a player beyond her reach.

Dark Shades

Elyse pleads with the captain to give her more time on her case.  A trip to the gym with fellow undercover agent Jerome Maxwell has her sweating but being in shape can only be a boost to her career–and possibly lead to a date?

Bloodline–the Ryuzaki Family

Aerie is ready to pounce on a house party as soon as Iris leaves and Claire takes her relationship with Ezra to the next level.

A Man and His Dog:  the Montoya Legacy

Rafe and Hailey are struggling to live within their means and a new baby girl means another mouth to feed but her arrival brings Hailey much joy.


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